When working in naples, he applied himself to solving the enormous social and economic problems created by the spanish viceroy system. Libro nuevo o segunda mano, sinopsis, resumen y opiniones. We will argue the neapolitan mercantilist antonio serra coherently presented the. Antonio serra is often hailed as the first economist. Este escrito quiere mostrar como las doctrinas del mercantilismo economico y del. He was born in cosenza in the late 16th century the dates of his birth and death are unknown. Ha publicado unos cuarenta libros, entre novelas, relatos y ensayos. In 16 serra was jailed for unknown reasons but possibly due to his involvement in a conspiracy with the philosopher. Mercantilism had neither a common theoretical core nor any priests to defend the gospel, he stated.
Practically nothing is known about antonio serra himself neither his vital statistics, his profession, his origins nor his fate. Descargue como doc, pdf, txt o lea en linea desde scribd. Governments sought to ensure that exports exceeded imports and to accumulate wealth in the form of bullion mostly gold and silver. Antonio serra was a late 16thcentury italian philosopher and economist in the mercantilist tradition. Serra e considerato il primo scrittore di economia politica in italia, e uno dei primi in europa.
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